Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BRAZIL aqui vamos nós (here we come!)

The preparations for the trip of 2009 are underway and we're all getting excited to leave for the southern hemisphere! The 3rd EMBA class of the University of Regina is off to Brazil to study how business is done outside of North America.

This blog is going to document our travels, tours, adventures and lessons learned. All the students will provide content, photos and video so everyone can see a little of life in Brazil.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions, send messages and give good ideas for us adventurers.

I hope you will enjoy this blog and feel part of our travels!


  1. I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable trip where you get to learn a lot, about a most interesting up and coming country. I wish you all well. Cheers, Alan

  2. I am soooo excited for you!! have a fabulous trip, take lots of pictures when you can and come home safely to your family! ( hey I love that you are a follower of my blog!!)

  3. WOW! Congratulations on such an opportunity! AMAZING!
    Can't wait to read and see all about it.
